Na této stránce můžete vidět, jaký rozdíl má krásný rám a klasické prostředí místnosti umělecké dílo. Klikněte na některý z níže uvedených obrázků a podívejte se, jak všechny obrazy a grafitové portréty vypadají, když jsou namontovány a zarámovány.
Under Pressure
oil on Belgium Linen canas
Detritus an Allegory of Life
Oil on Belgium Linen canvas
Toadstools and Liquorice Pools
oil on Belgium Linen canvas
Working Class Hero
A classical Mediterranean living room, ideal for a working class hero
Going Slightly Mad
The office environment, what better place to have this painting looking down on you
One Card Short of a Full Deckgreen-plants-lamp-table-dark-wall-backgroun
Cool neutral colours with blue accents
His Kettle is Boiling Over
Light and airy with a laid back attitude
Mahogany Guitar
See the 'Mahogany Guitar' as you enter the music room
Image of the Bronze Horseman
The painting depicts the very moment in Rimsky-Korsakov’s Scheherazade, Op. 35: IV Festival of Bagdad, as Sinbad's ship is being smashed up against the rocks, the crew are screaming for their lives, as they look up to the top of the cliffs they see a 'vision of a bronze horseman', this is the part of this music that inspired me to paint this portrait, it is a homage to the conductor Lief Segerstam